Kundalini Yoga Manual
159 kr
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En av de tidiga manualer som antecknades under Yogi Bhajans lektioner. Manualen är skriven med skrivmaskin.
Pass som ingår:Keeping the body beautiful, Kriya for Generating Navel Tapa, Prana-Apana Balance, Meditation on the Self, Choke Meditation, Kriya for Physical and Mental Vitality, Sexual Nerve Strength, Total Balance Kriya, Kauri Kriya, Meditation on the Sound Current ONG, Dhrib Dhristi Lochina Karma Kriya, Sitali Kriya, Exercicises for Body Cleansing and Disease Prevention, The Healthy, Happy, Holy Breath, Mana Gyan Mudra, Working the Total Self.
Utgiven av KRI
42 sidor
Pass som ingår:Keeping the body beautiful, Kriya for Generating Navel Tapa, Prana-Apana Balance, Meditation on the Self, Choke Meditation, Kriya for Physical and Mental Vitality, Sexual Nerve Strength, Total Balance Kriya, Kauri Kriya, Meditation on the Sound Current ONG, Dhrib Dhristi Lochina Karma Kriya, Sitali Kriya, Exercicises for Body Cleansing and Disease Prevention, The Healthy, Happy, Holy Breath, Mana Gyan Mudra, Working the Total Self.
Utgiven av KRI
42 sidor